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Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
“Faith is a strong conviction about something we believe—a conviction so strong that it moves us to do things that we otherwise might not do. ‘Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see’ [Hebrews 11:1, New International Version (1984)].

While this makes sense to believing people, it is often confusing to nonbelievers. They shake their heads and ask, ‘How can anyone be certain of what they cannot see?’ To them, this is evidence of the irrationality of religion.

What they fail to understand is that there are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears.”

—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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20 Bible Verses about Faith
Faith can be a steady anchor in the storms of life. Learn more about the nature of faith and how you can strengthen your own faith with these 20 Bible verses.
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