God is our Heavenly Father, and we worship Him. 
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God Is Our Heavenly Father
We believe in a loving God who knows each of us personally and wants what is best for us.

God is the father of our spirits. We lived with Him in spirit form without physical bodies before we came to earth.

To help us inherit all of the blessings He has to offer us, God created a perfect plan for our happiness. That plan includes creation of an earth where we can come to gain a physical body, to face tests of our character, and to learn and grow to become more like our Heavenly Father.

Your Heavenly Father knows you personally. He loves you. Your experiences here on earth are for your benefit. Following God can help increase your joyful experiences and give you the strength to get through the difficult ones.

God’s Plan Includes a Savior

God knew when we came to earth we would make mistakes. When we sin by being disobedient to God’s commandments, it makes us unworthy to return to God’s perfect and holy presence.

However, God’s plan includes a Savior sent to earth to pay the price for our sins. That Savior is Jesus Christ. Because Jesus suffered and died for your sins and overcame mortal death, you can repent and receive God’s forgiveness. You will be resurrected and receive a perfected body in the next life, free from pain and sickness.

You will learn more about Jesus Christ later in this series.

You Can Live with God

As you place your faith in Jesus Christ and follow all of God’s commandments, you can look forward to the promise of an eternal life of joy in heaven with God and the people you love.

The Bible, a holy book of scripture, promises, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

Missionaries can teach you more about your place in God’s plan and how you can live with your Heavenly Father again someday.
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