Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. 
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Jesus Christ is Your Personal Savior
When God sent you to earth to learn and become better, He knew you would make mistakes that would prevent you from returning to live in His holy presence. And so He sent a Savior to pay the price for all of us to be able to repent and be forgiven. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago near Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecies that the Son of God would be born in humble circumstances to a virgin who miraculously conceived a child.

During His life on earth, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead. He was a master teacher who set the perfect example for us to follow in order to gain eternal life with God. But He was more than that.

Jesus’s Sacrifice Saves Us

As part of His role as our Savior, Jesus prayed in a place known as the Garden of Gethsemane, where He suffered so much for the sins and pains of the world that He sweat drops of blood. After He was done praying, Jesus was betrayed, beaten, mocked, falsely accused of a crime, and sentenced to die by being nailed to a cross.

During all of this, Jesus atoned—or paid the price—for all of our sins so we can repent and be forgiven. He also felt our pains and sorrows. Because of this, your Savior understands perfectly everything you experience. He can heal you and comfort you. He makes it possible for you to repent and be forgiven by God for your sins.

After Jesus died and was laid in a tomb, He rose from the dead on the third day. This Resurrection enabled all of us to not only be saved from the spiritual death of sin, but from physical death. Because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, you can someday be resurrected to live with God and your loved ones forever.

Missionaries can help you draw closer to Jesus Christ and understand what His sacrifice means for you.
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How Do I Repent?
Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for you, when you make mistakes, you can repent and be forgiven by God. This forgiveness erases your sin (or disobedience to God) as if it never happened, helping you to be worthy to live in God’s presence again someday.

Repentance is a personal process that can look different for everyone, but it always includes feeling genuine sorrow for your mistakes, confessing to God, making what restitution you can to the people you hurt, and trying hard to not sin again.

Jesus taught that in order to receive forgiveness from God, we must also forgive others. You can do so by working to let go of bitterness, anger, hate, or thoughts of revenge in your life. When you do this, you will feel more peace.
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