Plus, 5 things to know about a missionary visit. 
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Missionaries volunteer their time to help people find greater happiness and peace through Jesus Christ, and we don’t want any technical glitches, missed calls, or other problems to stand in the way of that. So if you’re still having trouble connecting with the missionaries, you can also call, text, or email them directly:

5 Things to Know about Missionary Visits

They can take place anywhere
If you don’t want visitors at home, no worries! Missionaries are also happy to meet you in a public space, in a church building, by video chat, or over the phone.

They’re free
Missionary visits are always free, as are any materials they might give you, such as the Book of Mormon.

They can be short and simple
Missionaries can work with your schedule, but a visit generally lasts 15–45 minutes and includes time to get to know each other, pray together, and talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

They’re personalized for you
The missionaries help people in a lot of different ways! Depending on your interests, they can teach you how to get more out of prayer, study the Bible with you, answer your questions about the purpose of life, help you feel God’s love for you, support you in strengthening your faith, and much more.

You can meet more than once
If you liked what the missionaries shared with you during your first visit, they can come back on another day and share more. They can also go to church with you and introduce you to other members of the congregation.
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