Getting your life back on track is possible with God's help. 
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“I Wanted Change, I Just Didn’t Know How to Change.”
“I went to church and … walking into a church and being fully accepted and loved by everybody felt like God was restoring my life like he was giving me everything that I ever looked for just in a day. … Growing up without having any knowledge of God or our Savior Jesus Christ and then being baptized in the church has completely changed my life, that spirit of abandonment and rejection has been broken.” —Jennifer
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“I Was Able to Make Better Decisions“
“I started getting these feelings to go and read from the Book of Mormon which I had never done before. I started feeling this urge to pray. I remember just instinctively kneeling and speaking out loud my prayer and receiving an answer that God was real and that he cared about me and that the Book of Mormon was going to be important to my life. … It almost seems like the Book of Mormon is going through life with me, kind of guiding me, keeping me on track.” —Shaquille
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“I Felt Like I Had Never Felt.”
“One day, when I was running on the treadmill, the Kindle suggested the Book of Mormon. It was free, so I thought, “Hey, why not?” I was reading it just kind of for fun, but it just made me start thinking like, “Well, what if? What if this is true?” So at that point, I decided, “I’m going to pray and ask if it’s true.” … And I ended up having an overwhelming feeling of calm and comfort.” —Lizzy
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