Lifes Big Questions - ENG
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Keep the Inspiration Coming

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Email Name: 004^133957 Keep the Inspiration Coming LBQ

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Thank you for joining us on this journey as we explored some of life’s greatest questions. We’ll continue sending you a weekly inspirational email. You can also continue learning with us through one of these other series:

CTA: Sign Up

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Purpose of Life


Subject Line: Keep the Inspiration Coming

Preheader: You can find more answers with us.

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Death Is Not the End

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Email Name: 005^133956 Death Is Not the End

Language: eng

Hero Copy: It’s natural to fear the unknown, and death is one of the great unknowns we face. But when you understand death as part of a greater plan—a plan created by a loving God for our benefit—you can find a sense of peace.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Tag/Theme: Life After Death


Subject Line: What happens after I die?

Preheader: You can see your loved ones again someday.

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Reasons for Hope

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Email Name: 003^133955 Reasons for Hope

Language: eng

Hero Copy: You may feel like you’ve sinned too often to be forgiven, but Jesus Christ paid the price for every sin or mistake. You can take the first steps on the path to repentance today.

CTA: Keep Reading

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Forgiveness


Subject Line: Am I enough?

Preheader: God did not send you here to fail.

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How God Helps You Grow

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Email Name: 006^133954 How God Helps You Grow

Language: eng

Hero Copy: It might feel difficult to reconcile the idea of a loving Father in Heaven with the suffering you experience. You can find strength in understanding how the challenges you face can be for your benefit.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: God's Help


Subject Line: Why does God allow bad things to happen?

Preheader: Learn how God helps you grow.

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God Has a Plan for You

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Email Name: 007^133953 God Has a Plan for You

Language: eng

Hero Copy: You are here on earth for a reason. Understanding God’s plan for all of us can help you understand your own purpose.

CTA: Keep Reading

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Purpose of Life


Subject Line: What is my life's purpose?

Preheader: God has a plan for you.

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You Are a Child of God

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Email Name: 002^133952 You Are a Child of God

Language: eng

Hero Copy: God is your loving Father in Heaven. He sent you to earth for a specific purpose. Understanding your relationship with God can help you embrace your full potential.

CTA: Keep Reading

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: God


Subject Line: Who am I?

Preheader: You are a child of God.

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How You Can Know God Exists

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Email Name: 001^133951 How You Can Know God Exists

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Is there a question that has been debated more than whether God exists? Finding an answer takes more than a quick internet search. But these four suggestions can help you see evidence of God in your life.

CTA: Keep Reading

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: God


Subject Line: Does God Exist?

Preheader: Recognize God's hand as you look for Him.