Path to Peace - ENG
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Find More Healing through the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Email Name: 010^135255 Path to Peace ThankYou

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Thank you for taking the Path to Peace and Healing email journey with us! This is the final email of the series, but you can continue learning with missionaries in your area, who can answer your questions on a more personal level.Whether you’re looking to learn more about prayer, study the scriptures with someone, or get an introduction to your local church community, missionaries are here to help!

CTA: Sign Up for a Visit

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: God's Help


Subject Line: Continue Healing with Us

Preheader: We hope you enjoyed The Path To Peace.

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When You Give Joy, It Reflects Back on You

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Email Name: 008^135254 When You Give Joy It Reflects

Language: eng

Hero Copy: The benefits of service can help you through hard times. Some of those benefits include increased gratitude, strengthened relationships, and a greater sense of purpose.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Service


Subject Line: How serving others can help you heal

Preheader: Find healing through following Jesus's example of service.

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Healing Words

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Email Name: 004^135253 Healing Words

Language: eng

Hero Copy: God hasn’t left you to find your way through life on your own. You can find comfort, strength, and guidance in the scriptures and other messages God has for you. These scriptures and other resources can help you feel more hope.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Bible


Subject Line: Find Healing in God's Word

Preheader: The scriptures can be a comfort and a guide for you.

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The Savior Can Make You Whole

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Email Name: 001^135252 The Savior Can Make You Whole

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Whatever difficulties you’re facing, Jesus Christ understands how you feel. He, more than anyone, wants you to feel whole again. With His help, healing is possible.Over the next few weeks, you’ll learn about how you can find personal healing through prayer, forgiveness, and other principles Jesus taught. We’ll also introduce you to practical mental health resources and videos from people who have overcome life challenges such as grief and addiction with the help of the Savior.

CTA: Let’s Get Started

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ


Subject Line: Find healing through Jesus Christ

Preheader: Welcome to The Path to Peace, an email journey about healing through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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God Wants to Forgive You

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Email Name: 006^135251 God Wants to Forgive You

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Everyone has regrets. But you don’t have to let guilt eat away at your soul or feel trapped in a hopeless cycle of mistakes. Because of Jesus Christ, there is always a way to repent and experience the joy of God’s forgiveness. Learn how.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Forgiveness


Subject Line: Repentance can heal your soul

Preheader: Leave guilt and shame behind with the Savior's help.

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God is Listening. Talk to Him.

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Email Name: 002^135250 God is Listening Talk to Him

Language: eng

Hero Copy: When you feel you have nowhere to turn, you can always trust God with your feelings. Taking time daily to have a heart–to–heart conversation with your Father in Heaven through prayer can bring you peace and clarity. Learn more about the healing power of prayer and how you can improve your prayers.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Prayer


Subject Line: Access the healing power of prayer

Preheader: Prayer is your connection to God.

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Don’t Give Up

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Email Name: 005^135249 Dont Give Up

Language: eng

Hero Copy: When you have faith in God’s plan of happiness and His promise that you can be together with your loved ones for eternity, you can face the future with hope. Learn more about God’s plan for you.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Principles


Subject Line: Hope and healing

Preheader: Don't give up—help is available.

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The Steps to a Grateful Heart

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Email Name: 009^135248 The Steps to a Grateful Heart

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Discontent and envy pull us down, but gratitude lifts us up. Learn how you can follow Biblical teachings on gratitude.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Principles


Subject Line: Heal your heart through gratitude

Preheader: Learn to follow Jesus's teachings on gratitude.

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You Can Move Forward

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Email Name: 003^135247 You Can Move Forward

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Forgiveness is a crucial step in healing from past traumas, but it can be a difficult step to take. Learn what forgiveness is—and isn’t—and how you can start to let go of burdens that are holding you back.

CTA: Keep Reading

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Forgiveness


Subject Line: Why forgiveness is an important part of healing

Preheader: Learn to let go of the past.

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Strength in Numbers

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Email Name: 007^135224 Strength in Numbers

Language: eng

Hero Copy: The support of a loving community can strengthen you as you heal spiritually or physically. In a world that feels increasingly divided, worshipping and serving together in a church community can help bring people together and strengthen ties of friendship. Learn how.

CTA: Keep Reading

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Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Church


Subject Line: Let's heal together

Preheader: You can find a sense of community as you seek healing with others' help.