Teachings of Jesus - ZHO
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Email Name: 000^136299 TOJ Final 12 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 耶穌基督在世上時,教導祂的門徒許多重要的真理,但祂來到世上有著比教導更偉大的目的。  作為偉大幸福計畫的一部分,神差遣耶穌基督來償付代價,好讓我們有一天能復活,並與神和我們的家人永遠住在天上。  約翰福音3:16說道:「神愛世人,甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信他的,不致滅亡,反得永生。」  當耶穌知道自己的時間已到,就在客西馬尼園祈禱,為世上的一切罪惡、痛苦和憂傷而受苦,流下如汗珠般的血。然後,祂遭受背叛、毆打、嘲弄、審判,羅馬士兵將祂釘死在木製的十字架上。   耶穌在這一切經歷中,獲得了完全且神聖的認知,了解世上每一個人所受的苦難。不論你的困難是什麼,救主知道你正在經歷的事,祂知道如何幫助你,只要你轉向祂。  耶穌在死後的第三天從死裡復活,克服肉體的死亡,就像祂克服了罪的屬靈死亡一般。  藉著奉行耶穌的教導並對祂有信心,你可以在今生獲得更多的平安和幸福,繼承一個擁有超乎想像的永恆喜樂並與神同在的生命。   

CTA: 與傳教士一起更接近耶穌 

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ

Notes/Translation: Jesus Christ is our Savior - While Jesus Christ was on earth, He taught His disciples many important truths, but He came to earth for a greater purpose than teaching. As part of His great plan of happiness, God sent Jesus Christ to pay the price so that we can one day be resurrected and live forever in heaven with God and our families. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." When Jesus knew His time was up, He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffered for all the sin, pain, and sorrow of the world, and sweated blood. Then He was betrayed, beaten, mocked, judged, and crucified on a wooden cross by Roman soldiers. In all this, Jesus gained a perfect and divine understanding of the suffering of everyone in the world. Whatever your struggle, the Savior knows what you are going through, and He knows how to help you if you will turn to Him. Jesus rose from the dead three days after His death, overcoming physical death just as He overcame spiritual death from sin. By living Jesus' teachings and having faith in Him, you can gain greater peace and happiness in this life and inherit a life of everlasting joy beyond imagination and with God. -

Subject Line: 你想知道更多嗎?  (Do you want to know more?)

Preheader: 傳教士可以幫助你繼續了解有關耶穌的教導。  (Missionaries can help you continue to learn about Jesus’ teachings.)

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Email Name: 000^136297 TOJ Church 11 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 教儀,也就是神聖的儀式,是耶穌基督在塵世傳道期間所組織建立的教會的一部分。洗禮是其中一項教儀。聖餐是另一項。  聖餐提醒我們記得耶穌  在祂被定罪並被釘在十字架上之前,耶穌聚集了祂揀選來領導教會的十二位使徒。在他們最後的晚餐中,救主擘開並祝福了麵包,告訴使徒要吃麵包,以記念祂會為他們犧牲的身體。耶穌祝福酒,告訴使徒們喝酒以記念祂會為他們流的血。  我們今日仍繼續這項稱為聖餐的教儀。每個星期日在教會,持有神的聖職權柄的人會祝福象徵耶穌犧牲的麵包和水,並傳遞給會眾。   我們領受聖餐時,會記得耶穌基督為我們作的犧牲,更新我們在洗禮時和神立下的承諾。  教會能鞏固我們  經由神賜予的聖職權柄所執行的教儀,是歸屬於耶穌基督教會的重要原因之一,而非單單靠自己做個好人而已。教會的另一個好處是,和其他基督徒一起崇拜神和耶穌,能使我們獲得力量。    在教會裡,我們一起研讀聖經和摩爾門經時,可以彼此分享自己的見解。我們可以在艱困的時刻彼此相愛、互相支援。只要我們一起祈禱和唱聖詩,就能感受到喜樂。    耶穌教導:「因為無論在哪裏,有兩三個人奉我的名聚會,那裏就有我在他們中間」(馬太福音18:20)。    傳教士可以向你介紹你當地的教會。他們會事先與你見面,讓你知道聚會時會做什麼,然後在你準備好和我們一起崇拜時,在場迎接你。   

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/church-near-you

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Tag/Theme: Church

Notes/Translation: Why We Go to Church - Ordinances, or sacred ceremonies, are part of the Church organized by Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. Baptism is one of these ordinances. The Lord's Supper is another. The Lord's Supper reminds us of Jesus. Before He was condemned and crucified, Jesus gathered the twelve Apostles whom He had chosen to lead the Church. During their Last Supper, the Savior broke and blessed bread and told the Apostles to eat it in remembrance of His body, which would be sacrificed for them. Jesus blessed the wine and told the Apostles to drink it in remembrance of His blood, which would be shed for them. We continue this ordinance today, called the Lord's Supper. Every Sunday in church, men with the authority of God’s priesthood bless bread and water, symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice, and pass them to the congregation. When we take the sacrament, we remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us and renew the promises we made to God at baptism. Church strengthens us. The ordinances performed by God’s priesthood authority are one of the important reasons to belong to Jesus Christ’s church, not just to be a good person on your own. Another benefit of church is that we gain strength from worshipping God and Jesus with other Christians. In church, we can share our insights with each other as we study the Bible and the Book of Mormon together. We can love and support each other in difficult times. We can feel the joy as long as we pray and sing hymns together. Jesus taught, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Missionaries can introduce you to the church in your area. They will meet with you beforehand to let you know what to expect, and then be there to greet you when you are ready to worship with us. -

Subject Line: 教會能使你更接近耶穌  (Church can bring you closer to Jesus)

Preheader: 了解耶穌教導了哪些有關一起崇拜的事。  (Learn what Jesus taught about worshipping together.)

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Email Name: 000^136295 TOJ Baptism 10  ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 耶穌基督的福音不僅只要求不做惡事,甚或是對他人行善而已。耶穌教導,我們必須「從水和聖靈」(見約翰福音3:5)而生,才能接受永生。那是什麼意思呢?  為獲得與神同在的永生喜樂,耶穌基督的福音包含下列要求:  • 對神有信心並相信耶穌基督是我們的救主。  • 悔改我們的罪(或對神律法的不服從)  • 洗禮   • 接受聖靈的恩賜  • 終其我們的一生都持續跟隨著耶穌,持守到底  洗禮和聖靈  洗禮是一項神聖的儀式,受洗時我們會被浸沒在水中,再從水裡出來,這象徵著重生和洗去我們過去的罪。我們受洗時,向神承諾要遵守祂的誡命,並一直記得耶穌基督。我們以此而在靈性上重生,在基督裡成為新的人。   洗禮之後,我們也接受聖靈的恩賜,聖靈是除了神和耶穌以外,神組的第三位成員。聖靈有時被稱為神聖之靈,帶給我們從神而來的安慰、指引和警告。聖靈的恩賜意味著只要我們過正義的生活,就能一直擁有那樣的影響力。  耶穌樹立洗禮的榜樣  耶穌造訪施洗約翰,這位先知已由神賜予聖職權柄來執行洗禮教儀。約翰為耶穌執行浸沒的洗禮。之後,神的聲音從天上宣告:「這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的」,然後聖靈降臨到耶穌身上。  今日,我們效法耶穌的榜樣,由某位持有聖職權柄的人執行浸沒洗禮。如果你悔改並受洗,就可以在生活中找到新的開始,這是耶穌基督教會的部分真諦。    傳教士可以教導你更多關於自己在洗禮時與神立下的承諾,幫助你準備好受洗加入耶穌基督後期聖徒教會。   

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Baptism

Notes/Translation: What is Baptism? - The gospel of Jesus Christ requires more than just not doing evil, or even doing good to others. Jesus taught that we must be born "of water and the Spirit" (see John 3:5) to receive eternal life. What does that mean? The gospel of Jesus Christ includes the following requirements for receiving the joy of eternal life with God: • Faith in God and trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior. • Repent of our sins (or disobedience to God's law) • Baptism • Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit • Continue to follow Jesus throughout our lives and persevere to the end Baptism and the Holy Spirit Baptism is a sacred ceremony in which we are immersed in water and come out of the water, which symbolizes rebirth and washing away our past sins. When we are baptized, we promise to God to keep His commandments and always remember Jesus Christ. In this way, we are spiritually born again and become new people in Christ. After baptism, we also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead besides God and Jesus. The Holy Spirit, sometimes called the Holy Spirit, brings us comfort, guidance, and warnings from God. The gift of the Holy Spirit means that we can always have that influence as long as we live righteously. Jesus Sets the Example of Baptism Jesus visited John the Baptist, a prophet who had been given priesthood authority by God to perform the ordinance of baptism. John baptized Jesus by immersion. Then the voice of God from heaven declared, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” and the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. Today, we follow Jesus’ example and are baptized by immersion by someone who holds priesthood authority. If you repent and are baptized, you can find a new beginning in your life, which is part of the truth of Jesus Christ’s Church. Missionaries can teach you more about the promises you made to God at baptism and help you prepare to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. -

Subject Line: 我們為何必須受洗? (Why do we need to be baptized?)

Preheader: 了解耶穌教導了哪些有關洗禮的事。  (Learn what Jesus taught about baptism.)

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Email Name: 000^136293 TOJ Sacrifice 09 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 耶穌基督與他人的互動顯示出祂認識我們每個人,也愛我們每一個人。我們在聖經馬可福音12:41–44讀到,有一天耶穌坐在聖殿的銀庫外面,看著人們前來聖殿捐獻。  在一些富人捐了很多錢之後,有一位寡婦前來捐出兩個小錢——也就是最小面額的貨幣——投入錢庫。耶穌叫祂的門徒來,說寡婦投入錢庫的比富人還多,因為雖然富人把他們並不真正需要的剩餘錢財捐獻出來,但寡婦卻投入她生活所需的一切。 同樣地,我們可以相信,我們過正義生活的努力,會根據我們個人的能力和情況,個別接受審判。我們要做的不是拿自己和別人比較,而是專注在每天的自我改進。 傳教士可以與你分享更多耶穌的教導,並回答你的問題。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ

Notes/Translation: God's Expectations of Us - Jesus Christ's interactions with others show that He knows and loves each of us. We read in the Bible, Mark 12:41-44, that one day Jesus was sitting outside the treasury of the temple, watching people come to the temple to donate. After some rich people had donated a lot of money, a widow came and donated two small coins - the smallest denomination of currency - into the treasury. Jesus called His disciples and said that the widow had put more into the treasury than the rich man because while the rich gave away their extra money that they didn't really need, the widow put in everything she needed to live. Likewise, we can trust that our efforts to live righteously will be judged individually according to our personal abilities and circumstances. Our job is not to compare ourselves to others, but to focus on daily self-improvement. Missionaries can share more of Jesus' teachings with you and answer your questions. -

Subject Line: 你們足夠了  (You are enough)

Preheader: 了解耶穌教導哪些有關努力的事。  (Learn what Jesus taught about hard work.)

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Email Name: 000^136291 TOJ Service 08 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 耶穌基督在祂的整個傳道期間,樹立了愛和服務的完美榜樣。祂教導,愛神和愛人是最大的兩條誡命,我們甚至應該愛和服務我們的敵人,我們為人服務就是在為神服務。   祂教導,會在天上神的右邊有尊榮地位的人,將是那些給饑餓的人吃飽、照顧病人,以及以其他方式幫助周遭之人的人。  當救主準備為我們所有的人受苦而死時,祂與祂召喚來帶領祂教會的十二位使徒會面。在那最後的晚餐中,耶穌跪下來為祂的每位使徒洗腳,並教導他們應當同樣謙卑地為彼此服務。  當你像耶穌一樣為人服務時,你不僅會祝福他們的生活,也會在你變得更像救主時,體驗到生活中更多的喜樂。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Service

Notes/Translation: Follow Jesus by Helping Others - Throughout His ministry, Jesus Christ set the perfect example of love and service. He taught that loving God and loving our neighbors are the two greatest commandments, that we should love and serve even our enemies, and that we serve God when we serve others. He taught that those who will have an honorable place at the right hand of God in heaven will be those who feed the hungry, care for the sick, and otherwise help those around them. As the Savior prepared to suffer and die for all of us, He met with the twelve Apostles whom He had called to lead His Church. During that Last Supper, Jesus knelt to wash the feet of each of His Apostles and taught them that they should serve one another in the same humility. When you serve others as Jesus did, you will not only bless their lives, but you will also experience more joy in life as you become more like the Savior. -

Subject Line: 學習像耶穌那樣服務  (Learn to Serve Like Jesus)

Preheader: 耶穌教導,當我們為人服務時,就是在為神服務。  (Jesus taught that when we serve others, we are serving God.)

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Email Name: 000^136289 TOJ Priorities 07 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 在耶穌基督最著名的一篇講道中,祂教導了一系列有關神的律法和我們如何獲得永生的真理,稱為山上寶訓。  在該講道和其他講道中,耶穌教導我們應該先專注於神。祂教導,祂的門徒或跟隨者不應專注在收集地上的財寶,因為「地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。」取而代之的是,我們每個人都必須過正義的生活,才能在天上積攢財寶,「因為你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在那裏」(見馬太福音6:19–21)。  耶穌也教導:「一個人不能事奉兩個主;不是惡這個、愛那個,就是重這個、輕那個」(見馬太福音6:24)。換句話說,我們不能將自己的忠誠分給神也分給世俗的貪婪。  山上寶訓的其餘部分說明我們要如何透過謙卑和誠實等特質,以及祈禱和為人服務等方式來事奉神。  你所在區域的傳教士可以向你介紹聖經,幫助你找到山上寶訓,好使你能研讀更多耶穌教導的真理。 

CTA: 和傳教士一起研讀經文 

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ

Notes/Translation: What is Most Important? - In one of Jesus Christ's most famous sermons, He taught a series of truths about God's law and how we can gain eternal life, called the Sermon on the Mount. In this sermon and others, Jesus taught that we should focus on God first. He taught that His disciples or followers should not focus on gathering treasures on earth, because "worms and rust destroy things, and thieves break in and steal." Instead, each of us must live righteously in order to accumulate treasures in heaven, "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (see Matthew 6:19-21). Jesus also taught, “No one can serve two masters; but either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other” (see Matthew 6:24). In other words, we cannot divide our allegiance between God and worldly greed. The rest of the Sermon on the Mount explains how we can serve God through qualities such as humility and honesty, as well as through prayer and service to others. Missionaries in your area can point you to the Bible and help you find the Sermon on the Mount so that you can study more of the truths Jesus taught. -

Subject Line: 一個人不能事奉兩個主  (One cannot serve two masters)

Preheader: 了解耶穌的山上寶訓。  (Learn about Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.)

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Email Name: 000^136287 TOJ Compassion 06 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 正如聖經所記載的,耶穌基督去世之前,在中東建立了祂的教會。在祂為我們的罪受苦而死,並從死裡復活之後,祂向美洲人民顯現,並在那裡建立祂的教會。摩爾門經講述神的人民在美洲的歷史,顯示耶穌教導這些人與教導耶路撒冷周圍的人相同的真理。  其中一個例子就是不論斷他人的原則。聖經和摩爾門經都記載了耶穌的教導,即把審判留給神,祂完全認識我們,並在摩爾門經中警告我們:「你們怎樣論斷人,也必怎樣被論斷」(見尼腓三書14:2)。  聖經講述一位婦人行淫被抓的故事——姦淫是與丈夫以外的人發生性關係的嚴重罪行。當時猶太民族所遵行的摩西律法,要求用石頭打死她。    然而,當那婦人被帶到耶穌面前時,他只是告訴群眾:「你們中間誰是沒有罪的,誰就可以先拿石頭打她」(約翰福音8:7)。群眾一個一個地離開了,只剩救主——祂為我們的罪受苦而死,是唯一真正有權柄審判一個人的內心的人——與那位婦人談話。  有時候變得更像耶穌可能很困難,但傳教士能幫助你更接近耶穌。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Principles

Notes/Translation: Christlike Compassion - Before Jesus Christ died, as recorded in the Bible, He established His Church in the Middle East. After He suffered and died for our sins and rose from the dead, He appeared to the people of America and established His Church there. The Book of Mormon tells the history of God’s people in America and shows that Jesus taught these people the same truths that He taught those around Jerusalem. One example is the principle of not judging others. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon record Jesus’ teaching about leaving judgment to God, who knows us perfectly and warns us in the Book of Mormon, “As you judge, so you will be judged” (see 3 Nephi 14:2). The Bible tells the story of a woman who was caught in adultery—a serious sin of having sexual relations with someone other than your husband. The Mosaic Law, followed by the Jewish nation at the time, required that she be stoned to death. Yet, when the woman was brought before Jesus, He simply told the crowd, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7). One by one, the crowd left, leaving only the Savior—who suffered and died for our sins and is the only One who truly has the authority to judge a person’s heart—to speak with the woman. Sometimes it can be hard to become more like Jesus, but missionaries can help you get closer to Jesus. -

Subject Line: 我豈能論斷他人?  (How can I judge others?)

Preheader: 了解耶穌教導了哪些有關論斷的事。 (Learn what Jesus taught about judgment.)

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Email Name: 000^136285 TOJ Prayer 05 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 祈禱是與神的對話。在摩爾門經尼腓三書18:18–20中,耶穌基督教導我們必須「隨時警醒,常常禱告」,才能獲得力量對抗作惡的誘惑,祂接著說:「你們奉我的名,無論向父求什麼,只要正當,並且相信必然得到,看啊,你們求的就必賜給你們。」  當我們按照耶穌的教導作祈禱時,我們會先虔敬地稱呼神。我們為自己所感恩的事感謝神,祈求神賜予我們所需要或想要的正義事物,結束時說:「奉耶穌基督的名,阿們。」   祈禱的一部分也是在聆聽神的回答。這些答案通常來自聖靈,聖靈是神組的第三位成員,神組還有神和耶穌基督。聖靈的影響力可以是一種安慰的溫暖感覺、一個突然的想法,甚至是一種警告你不要去做某件事的感覺。禱告的答案也可能從某些你閱讀或聽到的事物,或從幫助你的人而來。  神知道什麼對你最好,只要你轉向祂,祂就會幫助你。祈禱能帶給你安慰和指引,幫助你更接近神。  

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Prayer

Notes/Translation: Pray often - Prayer is a conversation with God. In 3 Nephi 18:18-20 of the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ taught that we must "watch always and pray always" to gain strength against temptations to do evil. He then said, "And whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, if it be right, believing that ye shall receive it, behold, it shall be given unto you." When we pray as Jesus taught, we begin by addressing God reverently. We thank God for things we are thankful for, we ask God to give us the righteous things we need or want, and we conclude by saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Part of prayer is also listening for God's answer. These answers usually come from the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead that also includes God and Jesus Christ. The influence of the Holy Spirit can be a comforting warm feeling, a sudden thought, or even a warning not to do something. Answers to prayer may also come from something you read or hear, or from people who help you. God knows what is best for you, and He will help you if you turn to Him. Prayer can bring you comfort and guidance, helping you to draw closer to God. -

Subject Line: 祈禱是與神的對話  (Prayer is a conversation with God)

Preheader: 了解耶穌關於祈禱的教導  (Understand Jesus' teachings on prayer)

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Email Name: 000^136283 TOJ Forgiveness 04 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 由於耶穌基督為我們犧牲,當我們犯錯,就可以悔改並獲得神的寬恕。這樣的寬恕會將我們的罪(或對神的不服從)抹去,就好像從未發生過一樣。  耶穌教導了許多有關悔改和寬恕的教訓。雖然悔改是個人的歷程,但悔改包括真心為所犯的錯感到憂傷、向神認罪、盡力彌補,以及努力不再犯罪。  耶穌教導,為了得到神的寬恕,只是一次寬恕他人是不夠的,我們必須一次又一次地寬恕他人。祂說:「你們不要論斷人,就不被論斷;你們不要定人的罪,就不被定罪;你們要饒恕人,就必蒙饒恕」(路加福音6:37)。  當你藉由努力放下過往的恩怨、苦澀、仇恨或報復的念頭來努力寬恕他人,就會在生活中感受到更多的平安。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Forgiveness

Notes/Translation: Why forgiveness is important - Because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us, we can repent and receive God's forgiveness when we make a mistake. This forgiveness wipes out our sin (or disobedience to God) as if it never happened. Jesus taught many things about repentance and forgiveness. Although repentance is a personal process, it involves feeling truly sorry for the mistake, confessing it to God, doing our best to make amends, and striving not to sin again. Jesus taught that in order to receive God's forgiveness, it is not enough to forgive others once, but we must forgive others over and over again. He said, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37). As you work on forgiving others by working on letting go of past grudges, bitterness, hatred, or thoughts of revenge, you will experience more peace in your life. -

Subject Line: 我們所虧欠神的  (What we owe God)

Preheader: 了解耶穌關於寬恕的教導。  (Learn what Jesus taught about forgiveness.)

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Email Name: 000^136281 TOJ Faith 03 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 耶穌基督在傳道期間行了許多奇蹟。祂使瞎子得見,水變成酒,平靜暴風雨,甚至使人從死裡復生。   聖經和摩爾門經讓我們看到許多對耶穌有信心的榜樣。聖經馬可福音第5章談到一位婦女患了12年重病的故事。耶穌走在擁擠的街道上時,那位婦人伸手觸摸祂的衣服,相信只要摸到祂,就必痊癒。  耶穌問:「誰摸我的衣裳?」那位婦人俯伏在祂腳前,承認她所做的事。耶穌安慰她說:「女兒,你的信救了你,平平安安地回去吧!你的災病痊癒了。」然後她就被治癒了。  我們也可以學習耶穌對神有信心的榜樣,祂向我們展現出,信心有時意味著即使很難,也要接受神對我們的旨意。   在祂為我們的罪受苦,痛苦地死在十字架上之前,耶穌在客西馬尼園中祈求,神若願意,讓祂免受即將到來的事。「然而」,祂說:「不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思」(見路加福音22:42)然後神差遣一位天使,加添耶穌的力量,祂以我們救主的身分完成自己的使命。    當你努力增強自己的信心,相信耶穌基督是自己個人的救主,並相信慈愛的神知道什麼對你最好時,你就會看到祝福。  傳教士可以教導你如何鞏固信心。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Principles

Notes/Translation: Let faith guide your life - Jesus Christ performed many miracles during his ministry. He gave sight to the blind, turned water into wine, calmed a storm, and even raised people from the dead. The Bible and the Book of Mormon give us many examples of people who had faith in Jesus. The Bible, Mark 5, tells the story of a woman who had been suffering from a serious illness for 12 years. As Jesus walked down a crowded street, the woman reached out and touched His garment, believing that if she touched Him, she would be healed. Jesus asked, "Who touched my garment?" The woman fell at His feet and confessed what she had done. Jesus comforted her and said, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace, for you are healed of your disease." Then she was healed. We can also learn from Jesus’ example of faith in God, showing us that faith sometimes means accepting God’s will for us even when it’s hard. Before He suffered and died painfully on the cross for our sins, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that God would spare Him from what was about to happen if He would. “Nevertheless,” He said, “not my will, but yours be done” (see Luke 22:42). Then God sent an angel to empower Jesus, and He fulfilled His mission as our Savior. You will see blessings as you work to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and trust that a loving God knows what is best for you. Missionaries can teach you how to strengthen your faith. -

Subject Line: 在神凡事都能  (With God all things are possible)

Preheader: 看看耶穌說了哪些關於信心的事。  (See what Jesus said about faith.)

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Email Name: 000^136279 TOJ Love 02 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 愛是耶穌基督所有行事和教導的核心主題。當有人問祂最大的誡命是什麼,祂回答第一條誡命是「盡心、盡性、盡意」愛神,第二條是「愛人如己」。  祂說明:「這兩條誡命是律法和先知一切道理的總綱」(馬太福音22:37–40)。  耶穌向自己遇到的每個人表達愛與憐憫。祂教導門徒要給饑餓的人吃、照顧患病的人、接待客旅並探望監裡的人。祂教導,當我們為別人做這些事,就好像做在神身上一樣。   耶穌在教導愛時,清楚地說明,僅僅只愛家人和朋友是不夠的。若要成為耶穌的真正門徒,我們必須愛那些被遺棄的人、我們認為的外人,甚至是我們視為敵人的人。   你可以練習愛神和愛身邊的人,藉此來與耶穌更加接近。傳教士可以教你方法。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Principles

Notes/Translation: Do everything with love - Love is the core theme of all that Jesus Christ did and taught. When asked what the greatest commandment was, He answered that the first command was to love God "with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind," and the second was to "love your neighbor as yourself." He explained, "On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 22:37-40). Jesus showed love and mercy to everyone He met. He taught His disciples to feed the hungry, care for the sick, entertain strangers, and visit prisoners. He taught that when we do these things for others, we are doing them for God. In teaching love, Jesus made it clear that it is not enough to just love family and friends. To be true disciples of Jesus, we must love the outcasts, those we consider outsiders, and even those we consider enemies. You can grow closer to Jesus by practicing loving God and those around you. Missionaries can teach you how. -

Subject Line: 關於愛,耶穌教導了什麼  (What did Jesus teach about love?)

Preheader: 了解愛你的鄰人是什麼意思。  (Learn what it means to love your neighbor.)

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Email Name: 000^136277 TOJ Jesus 01 ZHO

Language: zho

Hero Copy: 歡迎來到耶穌基督的教導,這一系列共有12封由耶穌基督後期聖徒教會發出的電子郵件,向你介紹一些耶穌基督的教導,這些教導啟發了世界各地的基督徒去跟從祂。  在你學習耶穌的教導之前,我們先回答一個重要的問題:耶穌基督是誰?   耶穌蒙揀選來拯救我們所有人  身為基督徒,我們相信更高的力量——神,也就是我們靈體的父親。我們出生前和神住在一起,祂為我們每個人制定了一個完美的幸福計畫。我們會來到世上獲得骨肉身體,面對挑戰,學習並成長,使我們變得更像神,然後才能回去與祂同住,接受祂為我們預備的一切偉大祝福。  神知道我們在世上會犯錯,使得我們無法配稱回去與完美且神聖的祂同住。我們需要一個救主——一個能償付我們所有錯誤的代價並克服死亡的人,這樣我們才能有一條歸途,來回去與神和家人永遠生活在喜樂和平安中。  耶穌基督自願來到世上,拯救我們所有人脫離罪和死亡。祂蒙神揀選成為世界的救主,並在神的指示下創造了大地。  耶穌不僅僅是一位偉大的教師。  我們從聖經和摩爾門經——古代先知和歷史學家所著的神聖經文——知道,耶穌於2,000多年前誕生在耶路撒冷的鄰近地區,是神的兒子。   耶穌是最偉大的教師,祂為我們立下完美榜樣使我們得以跟從祂,來獲得與神同在的永生。但是我們相信祂不只是教師或行奇蹟的人而已。  當祂被人誣告並被判釘死在十字架上時,耶穌為我們所有的人受苦而死。祂承擔了我們的痛苦和罪,我們若悔改並跟從祂,就能卸下這些重擔。耶穌死後第三天,從死裡復活。祂犧牲並戰勝死亡,使我們得以獲得永生,與神同住。  跟從耶穌會讓我們的生活變得更好  v在耶穌的時代,人們質疑祂的身分是否真如祂所說的一樣。祂教導,任何遵行祂教導的人都可以知道這項真理「或是出於神,或是我憑著自己說的」(見約翰福音7:17)。   此後數千年來,世界各地已有數十億人測試了耶穌的話,並發現跟從祂就能成為更好的人,為他們帶來真正的喜樂。他們相信耶穌基督是自己的救主,因為當他們奉行祂的教導時,看到了自己的生命獲得祂所應許的祝福。  你也可以遵從耶穌的教導,看看這些教導如何使你的生活變得更好。 

CTA: 與傳教士見面

Landing Page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/tw/form/request-missionary-visit

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Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ

Notes/Translation: Come to Know Jesus Christ - Welcome to Teachings of Jesus Christ, a series of 12 emails from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that introduce you to some of the teachings of Jesus Christ that have inspired Christians around the world to follow Him. Before you learn about Jesus' teachings, let's answer an important question: Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus was chosen to save us all As Christians, we believe in a higher power - God, the Father of our spirits. We lived with God before we were born, and He had a perfect plan of happiness for each of us. We come to this earth to receive a physical body, face challenges, learn and grow so that we can become more like God, and then we can return to live with Him and receive all the great blessings He has in store for us. God knew we would make mistakes here on earth that would make us unworthy to return to live with Him, who is perfect and holy. We needed a Savior—someone who could pay for all our mistakes and overcome death so that we could have a way to return and live in joy and peace with God and our families forever. Jesus Christ voluntarily came to earth to save us all from sin and death. He was chosen by God to be the Savior of the world and, under God’s direction, created the earth. Jesus is more than a great teacher. We know from the Bible and the Book of Mormon—sacred texts written by ancient prophets and historians—that Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago in the neighborhood of Jerusalem as the Son of God. Jesus is the greatest teacher who set the perfect example for us to follow and have eternal life with God. But we believe that He is more than a teacher or miracle worker. When He was falsely accused and sentenced to die on a cross, Jesus suffered and died for all of us. He took on our pain and sin, burdens that we can lift if we repent and follow Him. Jesus died and rose from the dead three days later. His sacrifice and victory over death make it possible for us to have eternal life with God. Following Jesus will change our lives for the better. vIn Jesus’ day, people questioned whether He was who He said He was. He taught that anyone who follows His teachings can know this truth “whether it is of God, or whether I speak on my own authority” (see John 7:17). In the thousands of years since, billions of people around the world have tested Jesus’ words and found that following Him makes them better people and brings them true joy. They trust Jesus Christ as their Savior because they see the promised blessings in their lives as they live His teachings. You too can follow Jesus’ teachings and see how they change your life for the better. -

Subject Line: 耶穌基督是誰?  (Who is Jesus Christ?)

Preheader: 歡迎來到耶穌基督的教導,這一系列共有12封電子郵件。  (Welcome to The Teachings of Jesus Christ, a series of 12 emails.)