Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
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Email Name: 001^135453 Jesus Christ is Our Savior Final
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Jesus Christ taught many important truths to His followers during His time on earth, but He was sent here for an even greater purpose than to teach.As part of His great plan of happiness, God sent Jesus Christ to pay the price of our sins so that we can someday be resurrected and live with God and our families in heaven for eternity.John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”When He knew His time had come, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffering so much for all of the sin and pains and sorrows of the world that He sweat drops of blood. He was then betrayed, beaten, mocked, put on trial, and put to death by Roman soldiers, who nailed Him to a wooden cross.In all of this, Jesus gained a perfect, divine understanding of what every person on this earth has ever suffered. Whatever your struggle, your Savior knows what you are going through, and He knows how to help you if you turn to Him.On the third day after His death, Jesus rose from the dead, overcoming physical death just as He had overcome the spiritual death of sin.By living the teachings of Jesus and having faith in Him, you can receive more peace and happiness in this life and inherit a life of unimaginable, eternal joy with God.
CTA: Draw Closer to Jesus with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ
Subject Line: Would you like to know more?
Preheader: Missionaries can help you continue learning about Jesus's teachings.
Why We Go to Church
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Email Name: 002^135452 Why We Go to Church
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Ordinances, or sacred ceremonies, are part of Jesus Christ’s organized Church that He established during His ministry on earth. Baptism is one of these ordinances. The sacrament is another.The Sacrament Reminds Us of JesusBefore He was condemned to death and crucified on the cross, Jesus gathered the Twelve Apostles He had chosen to lead His Church. During their final supper together, the Savior broke bread and blessed it, telling the Apostles to eat the bread in remembrance of His body, which He would sacrifice for them. Jesus then blessed wine, telling the Apostles to drink it in remembrance of His blood, which He would shed for them.We continue this ordinance, called the sacrament, today. Each Sunday at church, those who hold priesthood authority from God bless broken bread and water symbolizing Jesus’s sacrifice and pass it to the congregation.As we take the sacrament, we remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us and renew the promises we made to God during our baptism.Church Strengthens UsOrdinances performed through priesthood authority given by God are one of the important reasons to belong to Jesus Christ’s Church instead of simply trying to be a good person on our own. Another benefit of church is the strength we receive from worshipping God and Jesus together with other Christians.At church, we can share our insights with each other as we study the Bible and Book of Mormon together. We can love and support each other through difficult times. We can feel joy as we pray and sing sacred songs called hymns together.Jesus taught, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).Missionaries can introduce you to your local church community. They will meet with you beforehand to let you know what to expect and then be there to greet you when you’re ready to worship with us.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Church
Subject Line: Church can bring you closer to Jesus
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about worshiping together.
What Is Baptism?
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Email Name: 003^135451 What is Baptism
Language: eng
Hero Copy: The gospel of Jesus Christ requires more than simply refraining from evil deeds or even doing good toward others. Jesus taught that we must be “born of water and of the Spirit” to receive eternal life (John 3:5). So what does that mean?The gospel of Jesus Christ includes these requirements for an eternal life of joy with God:Faith in God and faith in Jesus Christ as our SaviorRepentance of our sins (disobedience to God’s laws)BaptismReceiving the gift of the Holy GhostEnduring to the end by continuing to follow Jesus throughout the rest of our livesBaptism and the Holy GhostBaptism is a sacred ceremony in which we are immersed under the water and brought back up again, symbolizing rebirth and the washing away of our sins. When we are baptized, we make promises to God to keep His commandments and always remember Jesus Christ. In return, we are spiritually reborn as a new person in Christ.After baptism we also receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, who is the third member of the Godhead alongside God and Jesus. The Holy Ghost, sometimes known as the Holy Spirit, brings us comfort, guidance, and warnings from God. The gift of the Holy Ghost means we will have that influence with us always, as long as we live righteously.Jesus Set the Example of BaptismJesus visited John the Baptist, a prophet who had been given priesthood authority by God to perform baptisms. John baptized Jesus by immersion. Afterward God’s voice from heaven declared, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17), and the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus.Today, we follow Jesus’s example of baptism by immersion by someone with priesthood authority. If you repent and are baptized, you can find a new start in life as you become a true part of Jesus Christ’s Church. Missionaries can teach you more about the promises you make to God at baptism and help you prepare to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Baptism
Subject Line: Why do we need to be baptized?
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about baptism.
What God Expects of Us
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Email Name: 004^135450 What God Expects of Us
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Jesus Christ’s interactions with others showed He knows and loves us each individually. In Mark 12:41–44 in the Bible we read that Jesus one day sat outside the treasury of the temple, watching as people came to make offerings to the temple.After many large donations by wealthy people, a widow came and donated two small mites—the smallest denomination of currency—into the treasury. Jesus called to His disciples and said the widow had cast more into the treasury than the rich, because while the rich had donated from their surplus they didn’t really need, the widow had cast in “all her living.”Likewise, we can have faith that our efforts to live righteously will be judged individually, within the context of our personal abilities and circumstances. Our job is not to compare ourselves to others but focus on our own daily improvement.Missionaries can share more of Jesus’s teachings with you and answer your questions.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Principles
Subject Line: You are enough
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about effort.
Follow Jesus by Helping Others
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Email Name: 005^135449 Follow Jesus by Helping Others
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Jesus Christ provided the perfect example of love and service throughout His ministry. He taught that to love God and to love others are the two greatest commandments, that we should love and serve even our enemies, and that when we serve others, we are serving God.He taught that those who will have an honored place at God’s right hand in heaven will be those who fed the hungry, cared for the sick, and otherwise helped those around them.As the Savior prepared to suffer and die for all of us, He met with the Twelve Apostles He had called to lead His Church. During that last supper together, Jesus knelt and washed the feet of each of His Apostles and taught them that they should serve each other with equal humility.When you serve others as Jesus did, you will not only bless their lives but experience more joy in your own life as you become more like the Savior.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Service
Subject Line: Learn to serve like Jesus did
Preheader: Jesus taught when we serve others, we serve God.
What Is Most Important?
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Email Name: 006^135448 What is Most Important
Language: eng
Hero Copy: During one of Jesus Christ’s most famous sermons, known as the Sermon on the Mount, He taught a powerful collection of truths about God’s law and how we can gain eternal life.As part of that sermon and others, Jesus taught that we should focus on God first. He taught that His disciples, or followers, should not focus on collecting treasures on earth, where “moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” Instead, we all must live righteously to build up treasures in heaven, “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19–21).Jesus also taught that “no man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other” (see Matthew 6:24). In other words, we cannot split our loyalty between God and worldly greed.The rest of the Sermon on the Mount explains how we can serve God, through characteristics such as humility and honesty and through practices such as prayer and service to others.Missionaries in your area can introduce you to the Bible and help you find the Sermon on the Mount so that you can study more of the truths Jesus taught.
CTA: Study the Scriptures with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Bible
Subject Line: No one can serve two masters
Preheader: Learn about Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.
Christlike Compassion
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Email Name: 007^135447 Christlike Compassion
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Before His death, Jesus Christ established His Church in the middle east as recorded in the Bible. After He died for our sins and was Resurrected from the dead, He appeared to the people in the Americas and established His church there. The Book of Mormon, which tells the history of God’s people in the Americas, shows Jesus taught those people the same truths He taught the people around Jerusalem.One such example is the principle of not judging others. Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon record Jesus’s teachings on leaving judgement to God, who knows us perfectly, with a warning in the Book of Mormon that “with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged” (see 3rd Nephi 14:2).The Bible tells a story of woman who was caught in the act of adultery—the serious sin of having a sexual relationship with someone who was not her husband. The law of Moses, which the Jewish nation lived at the time, called for her to be stoned to death. However, when the woman was brought before Jesus, he simply told the crowd that “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her” (John 8:7). And the crowd went away one by one, leaving the Savior— the only one present who would have the true authority to judge a person’s heart after He suffered and died for our sins — to speak with the woman.Sometimes being more like Jesus can be difficult, but missionaries can help you draw closer to Jesus.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Principles
Subject Line: Who am I to judge?
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about judgment.
Pray Always
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Email Name: 008^135446 Pray Always
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Prayer is a conversation with God. In 3 Nephi 18:18–20 in the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ taught that we must “watch and pray always” to be strengthened against the temptation to do evil. “And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you.”When we pray according to Jesus’s teachings, we start by reverently addressing God. We thank God for the things we are grateful for, ask God for the righteous things we need or want, and end by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”Part of prayer is also listening for answers from God. These answers often come from the Holy Ghost, who is the third member of the Godhead along with God and Jesus Christ. The influence of the Holy Ghost could be experienced as a warm feeling of comfort, a sudden thought, or even a feeling of warning against something you want to do. An answer to prayer might also come from something you read or hear, or from a person who helps you.God knows what is best for you and will help you if you turn to Him. Prayer can bring you comfort and guidance and help you draw closer to God.
CTA: Learn to Pray with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Prayer
Subject Line: Prayer is a conversation with God
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about prayer.
Why Forgiveness Matters
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Email Name: 009^135445 Why Forgiveness Matters
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us, when we make mistakes, we can repent and be forgiven by God. This forgiveness erases our sin (or disobedience to God) as if it never happened, helping us to be worthy to live in God’s presence again someday.Jesus taught many lessons about repentance and forgiveness. Repentance is a personal process, but it includes feeling genuine sorrow for our mistakes, confessing to God, making what restitution we can, and trying hard to not sin again.In order to be forgiven by God, Jesus taught, we must forgive others—not just once but again and again. He said, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven” (Luke 6:37).As you work to forgive others by working to let go of past grudges, bitterness, hate, or thoughts of revenge, you will feel more peace in your life.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Forgiveness
Subject Line: The debt we owe to God
Preheader: Learn what Jesus taught about forgiveness.
Let Faith Guide Your Life
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Email Name: 010^135444 Let Faith Guide Your Life
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Jesus Christ performed many miracles during His ministry. He caused the blind to see, turned water into wine, calmed a storm, and even raised people from the dead.The Bible and Book of Mormon give us many example of faith in Jesus. Mark chapter 5 in the Bible tells the story of a woman who had suffered a serious illness for 12 years. As she saw Jesus in the crowd, she believed if she could just touch His clothing, she would be healed. (See verses 24–34.)As Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” the woman fell at His feet and admitted what she had done. Jesus comforted her, saying, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” And she was healed.We can learn from Jesus’s example of faith in God as well, which shows that sometimes faith means accepting God’s will for us even when it is difficult.Before He suffered for our sins and died a painful death on the cross, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that if it be God’s will, He be spared from what was coming. “Nevertheless,” he prayed, “not my will, but thine, be done.” And God sent an angel to strengthen Jesus as He fulfilled His mission as our Savior. (See Luke 22:42–43.)As you work to grow your faith in your personal Savior Jesus Christ and in a loving God who knows what is best for you, you will see blessings. Missionaries can teach you how to strengthen your faith.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Principles
Subject Line: With God all things are possible
Preheader: See what Jesus said about faith.
Do Everything with Love
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Email Name: 011^135443 Do Everything with Love
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Love was a central theme in all Jesus Christ did and taught. When He was asked what the greatest commandment is, He answered that the first commandment is to love God “with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” and that the second was to “love thy neighbour as thyself.”“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets,” he explained. (See Matthew 22:37–40.)Jesus showed love and compassion to everyone He met. He taught His followers to feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome the stranger into their home, and visit those in prison. When we do those things for others, He taught, it is the same as if we have done them for God.As He taught about love, Jesus made it clear that simply loving our family and friends isn’t enough. To be a true follower of Jesus we must love people who are outcasts, people who are strangers to us, and even people we see as our enemies.You can draw closer to Jesus by practicing love for God and for those around you. Missionaries can show you how.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Principles
Subject Line: What Jesus taught about love
Preheader: Learn what it means to "love your neighbor."
Get to Know Jesus Christ
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Email Name: 012^135442 Get to Know Jesus Christ
Language: eng
Hero Copy: Welcome to The Teachings of Jesus Christ, a 12–part email series from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints that will introduce you to some of the teachings of Jesus that have inspired Christians around the world to follow Him.Before you learn about Jesus’s teachings, we first answer an important question: Who is Jesus Christ?Jesus Was Chosen to Save Us AllAs Christians, we believe in a higher power—God, the father of our spirits. We lived with God before we were born, and He created a perfect plan of happiness for all of us. We would come to earth to gain a physical body, face challenges, and to learn and grow to become more like God before returning to live with Him and receive all the great blessings He has for us.God knew that we would make mistakes here on earth that would make us unworthy to return to live in His perfect, holy presence. We would need a Savior—someone able to pay the price for all our mistakes and overcome death, so that we had a path to return to live with God and our families in joy and peace forever.Jesus Christ volunteered to come to earth to save us all from sin and death. He was chosen by God to be the Savior of the world, and under God’s direction He created the earth.Jesus Was More Than a Great TeacherWe learn from the Bible and the Book of Mormon—holy books of scripture written by ancient prophets and historians—that Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago near Jerusalem as the literal Son of God.Jesus was a master teacher who set the perfect example for us to follow in order to gain eternal life with God. But we believe He was more than just a teacher or performer of miracles.When He was falsely accused of crimes and sentenced to die by being nailed to a cross, Jesus suffered and died for all of us. He took on our pain and our sins so we can be relieved of those burdens if we repent and follow Him. On the third day after His death, Jesus was resurrected from the dead. His sacrifice and His victory over death make it possible for us to gain eternal life with God.Our Lives are Better When We Follow JesusIn Jesus’s time, people questioned whether He was truly who He said He was. He taught that anyone who follows His teachings can know the truth of “whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself” (see John 7:17).In thousands of years since, billions of people around the world have put Jesus’s words to the test and found that following Him has made them a better person and brought them true joy. They believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, because they have seen the blessings He promised in their lives when they live His teachings.You, too, can follow Jesus’s teachings and see how they change your life for the better.
CTA: Meet with Missionaries
Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}
Video Name:
Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ
Subject Line: Who is Jesus Christ?
Preheader: Welcome to The Teachings of Jesus Christ, a 12-part email series.