Basic Beliefs - ENG
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Follow Jesus Christ to a Better Life

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Email Name: 001^135441 Follow Jesus Christ Final Email

Language: eng

Hero Copy: This is the end of your email series about the basic beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints. We hope you enjoyed learning with us and have gained a better understanding of why we center our lives on Jesus Christ.Missionaries who volunteer in your area would love to get to know you and help you discover the blessings of joy, hope, and peace that come from being a follower of Jesus Christ. If you would like to visit with them, simply click the button below to fill out a form requesting a visit.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Missionaries


Subject Line: Keep learning with us

Preheader: Our friendly missionaries would love to get to know you.

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The Benefits of Worshipping at Church

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Email Name: 002^135440 The Benefits of Worshipping

Language: eng

Hero Copy: When we worship together at church each week, we gain blessings we miss out on by simply honoring God on our own at home.During our Sunday worship services, we pray together, sing hymns, listen to sermons given by members of the congregation, and study the scriptures together. But the most important part of our weekly worship services is the sacrament.The Sacrament Helps Us Remember JesusBefore He was condemned to death, Jesus gathered the Twelve Apostles He had chosen to lead His Church. During their final supper together, the Savior broke bread and blessed it, telling the Apostles to eat the bread in remembrance of His body that He would sacrifice for them. Jesus then blessed wine, telling the Apostles to drink it in remembrance of His blood He would shed for them.We continue to take the sacrament today. Each Sunday at church, men who hold priesthood authority from God bless broken bread and water symbolizing Jesus’s sacrifice and pass it to the congregation.As we take the sacrament, we remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us and renew the promises we made to God during our baptism.Other Benefits of ChurchSome other ways church helps us include:Strengthening our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as we worship Them.Feeling peace as we take a break from the pressures of day–to–day life to focus on what’s important.Creating a strong community where we serve and support each other.Making friends.Learning from each other.Praying together.Sharing joy by singing hymns together.Having more opportunities to serve others.Ask missionaries to introduce you to your local church. They can answer your questions and let you know what to expect ahead of time and then be there to greet you and show you around when you visit on Sunday.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Church_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Church


Subject Line: Why we go to church

Preheader: The benefits of church help us feel God's love.

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God’s Commandments Are Based on His Love for Us

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Email Name: 003^135439 Commandments Are Based on Love

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Jesus Christ taught that the two great commandments are to love God with all our heart and to love others as much as we love ourselves. All other commandments hang on these two principles.Two of God’s most precious gifts to all of us are our free will and our physical bodies. We show our love of God when we worship Him, thank Him, and voluntarily use our free will to obey God even when it is difficult.We also show God our love when we respect our bodies by following God’s guidance about dressing modestly; refraining from unhealthy substances, such as alcohol; and keeping sexual relations only between a married man and woman.We show our love of others by obeying commandments to treat them well. Some of these commandments include caring for the poor, helping others, showing mercy, forgiving, and refraining from selfish, harmful acts, such as theft.Obedience to God Improves Our LivesSometimes people wrongly feel that God’s commandments restrict their freedom. But obeying these commandments brings many blessings in this life and the next.Obedience to God’s law helps protect us from consequences of sin, such as guilt, broken trust, imprisonment, or health problems caused by addiction. It gives us peace and confidence in our relationship with God. It helps us receive guidance and support from the Holy Ghost. And it prepares us for an eternal life of joy in heaven with God and our families.Missionaries can teach you more about God’s commandments and how you can experience the blessings of obedience to God.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Faith_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Commandments


Subject Line: The secret to happiness

Preheader: Obedience to God's commandments helps us lead better lives.

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What Must I Do to Live with God in Heaven?

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Email Name: 004^135438 What Must I Do To Live with God

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Part of following Jesus Christ is living His teachings of charity, forgiveness, faith, and other virtues. But the gospel of Jesus Christ means more than simply refraining from evil deeds or doing good toward others. It also includes these requirements for an eternal life of joy with God:Faith in God and faith in Jesus Christ as our SaviorRepentance of our sinsBaptismReceiving the gift of the Holy GhostEnduring to the end by continuing to follow Jesus throughout the rest of our livesFaithThe scriptures teach that faith is to believe in something true without seeing it. For example, you can have faith that God is real even though you have never physically seen Him.Growing your faith in God and in Jesus Christ requires action. As you make an effort to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ and to practice what you have learned, you can have experiences that will help your faith become stronger.RepentanceBecause of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us, when we make mistakes, we can repent and be forgiven by God as if the sin never happened.To repent, you must feel genuine regret for your disobedience to God’s laws. Repentance also includes confessing your sins to God, making restitution, and trying hard not to commit the same sin again.BaptismJesus taught that we must be “born of water and of the Spirit” to receive eternal life (John 3:5). This means we must be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost.Baptism is a sacred ceremony in which we are immersed under the water and brought back up again, symbolizing spiritual rebirth. When we are baptized by someone with priesthood authority from God, we make promises to God to serve Him and keep His commandments for the rest of our lives. As we make and keep this promise, we are cleansed from sin by the power of Jesus Christ and spiritually reborn.The Holy GhostAfter baptism we also receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, who is the third member of the Godhead alongside God and Jesus. The Holy Ghost, sometimes known as the Holy Spirit, brings us comfort, guidance, and warnings from God. The gift of the Holy Ghost means we will have that influence with us always, as long as we live righteously.If you desire to receive the life–changing blessings of baptism and the Holy Ghost, missionaries can help you learn what you need to do to prepare.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Faith_ENG}}

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Principles


Subject Line: What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ?

Preheader: Understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Not Just Any Book

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Email Name: 005^135437 Not Just Any Book

Language: eng

Hero Copy: God has given us many ways to understand how He wants us to live our lives. In addition to prayer and the words of living prophets, we can also turn to the scriptures for divine instruction.What is the Bible?The Bible is an ancient, holy book of scripture written by prophets and other inspired record keepers. These writers, inspired by God, recorded the history of God’s children over thousands of years, starting with the Creation of the earth and ending a few years after Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection.In the Bible—which is divided into two sections, called the Old Testament and New Testament—you will find God’s commandments for us. You can also study the life and teachings of Jesus, read about inspiring examples of people who acted in faith, and be strengthened by comforting words about God’s love for you.What is the Book of Mormon?Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ. It, too, was recorded by ancient prophets and record keepers inspired to bring us God’s word.While the Bible mostly focuses on the history of God’s children in the Middle East, the Book of Mormon is a record of God’s people in the Americas. It shares inspiring stories of faith and cautionary tales of disobedience. It records the words of prophets who taught important truths about God’s plan and helps clarify some of the teachings of the Bible.The most important event in the Book of Mormon is Jesus Christ’s visit to the people of the Americas shortly after His Resurrection. There, He taught those people the same truths He taught in other parts of the world and organized His Church.Where did these scriptures come from?The Bible as we know it today evolved over hundreds of years as religious scholars and clergy collected, organized, and translated holy writings. It is used by most Christian religions.The Book of Mormon was compiled hundreds of years ago by a man named Mormon. As Mormon’s people were extinguished by a brutal war, his son Moroni hid the book, carved on gold plates, in the ground. When Joseph Smith, a prophet called by God, reestablished Jesus Christ’s Church on the earth in the 1800s, Moroni appeared as an angel to show Joseph where the plates were hidden. With God’s help, Joseph translated those plates into what is today known as the Book of Mormon.Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints can introduce you to the Bible and the Book of Mormon and help you draw closer to God by studying His word in the scriptures with you.

CTA: Study with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_BibleStudy_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Book of Mormon


Subject Line: What are the Bible and the Book of Mormon?

Preheader: The scriptures help us learn how to follow God.

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What Are Prophets?

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Email Name: 006^135436 What Are Prophets

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Prophets are God’s representatives on earth. Throughout human history, God has called prophets to give inspired direction to His children, including guidance specific for their time and place.The Bible and the Book of Mormon are holy books of scripture that tell of many prophets in ancient times. For example, in the Bible God sent Moses to the Israelites. Moses guided the Israelites to freedom from bondage, performed miracles using authority given to him by God, taught God’s commandments to the people, and warned them of the consequences of disobeying God’s commandments.Jesus Christ’s Church Was Lost for a TimeSometimes, people reject the words of prophets and stop following God’s commandments. This is called apostasy. The scriptures show us that the world has gone through many cycles that have included times of righteousness and times of widespread apostasy.After Jesus Christ established His Church on earth and later returned to live with God, the world eventually fell into apostasy once again. While there were still good people on the earth who tried to follow Jesus, many important truths and the authority from God to lead His Church (known as the priesthood) were lost over time.Jesus Christ’s Church Was RestoredIn 1820, a 14–year–old boy named Joseph Smith was troubled about the fate of his soul and wondered which church he should join. He prayed with faith for an answer, and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. They called him by name, told him he was forgiven, directed him not to join any of the churches of his day, and promised that the “fulness of the gospel” would be made known to him in the future.Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet, and through him the Lord restored His Church. Today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints is still led by a living prophet, who holds priesthood authority and provides us guidance from God for our day.The prophet is supported by other leaders on a global, regional, and local level who are chosen through inspiration from God to help lead His Church.Missionaries can introduce you to the words of today’s prophet and teach you more about Jesus Christ’s restored Church.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Prophets_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Prophets


Subject Line: God still speaks today

Preheader: Jesus Christ's Church is on the earth now.

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Jesus Christ is Your Personal Savior

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Email Name: 007^135435 Jesus Christ is Your Personal Savior

Language: eng

Hero Copy: When God sent you to earth to learn and become better, He knew you would make mistakes that would prevent you from returning to live in His holy presence. And so He sent a Savior to pay the price for all of us to be able to repent and be forgiven. That Savior is Jesus Christ.Who is Jesus Christ?Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago near Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecies that the Son of God would be born in humble circumstances to a virgin who miraculously conceived a child.During His life on earth, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead. He was a master teacher who set the perfect example for us to follow in order to gain eternal life with God. But He was more than that.Jesus’s Sacrifice Saves UsAs part of His role as our Savior, Jesus prayed in a place known as the Garden of Gethsemane, where He suffered so much for the sins and pains of the world that He sweat drops of blood. After He was done praying, Jesus was betrayed, beaten, mocked, falsely accused of a crime, and sentenced to die by being nailed to a cross. During all of this, Jesus atoned—or paid the price—for all of our sins so we can repent and be forgiven. He also felt our pains and sorrows. Because of this, your Savior understands perfectly everything you experience. He can heal you and comfort you. He makes it possible for you to repent and be forgiven by God for your sins.After Jesus died and was laid in a tomb, He rose from the dead on the third day. This Resurrection enabled all of us to not only be saved from the spiritual death of sin, but from physical death. Because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, you can someday be resurrected to live with God and your loved ones forever.Missionaries can help you draw closer to Jesus Christ and understand what His sacrifice means for you.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Jesus_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Jesus Christ


Subject Line: Who is Jesus Christ?

Preheader: Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

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You Can Talk to God through Prayer

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Email Name: 008^135434 You Can Talk to God through Prayer

Language: eng

Hero Copy: God hasn’t left you to navigate the challenges of this life alone. He will guide you and help you if you turn to Him.One way you can receive God’s guidance is through prayer. Prayer is a direct conversation between you and God. You can pray out loud or in your mind, but prayer usually includes these things:Begin by respectfully addressing God. You might say “Dear God,” or “Dear Heavenly Father.”All blessings come from God, so thank Him for things you are grateful for, such as your family, your health, or a good thing that happened to you that day.Continue your conversation with God by sharing your feelings with Him and by asking Him for things you want or need. This includes asking for forgiveness for things you have done wrong.End your prayer with, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”How God Answers PrayersGod can answer your prayers in many ways. An answer could come through the Holy Ghost, who is the third member of the Godhead along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The influence of the Holy Ghost might come as a warm feeling of comfort, a sudden inspired thought, or even a feeling of warning against something you wanted to do.The answer to a question you asked God may also come through something you read or hear. Or you might receive an answer through something that happens, such as receiving healing after praying to overcome an illness.Learning to Accept God’s WillSometimes God’s answer to your prayers might not come in the way or the timing that you expect.Remember that He knows all and will do what is best for you. For example, you might pray to be given a certain job, but not get that job because God is waiting to give you a job that will be even better for you later.When you trust in God’s wisdom and love, you will be guided to a happier life. Missionaries can teach you how to pray and to recognize God’s answers to you.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_Prayer_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: Prayer


Subject Line: Learn how to pray

Preheader: Prayer is a conversation with God.

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God Is Our Heavenly Father

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Email Name: 009^135433 God Is Our Heavenly Father

Language: eng

Hero Copy: We believe in a loving God who knows each of us personally and wants what is best for us.God is the father of our spirits. We lived with Him in spirit form without physical bodies before we came to earth. To help us inherit all of the blessings He has to offer us, God created a perfect plan for our happiness. That plan includes creation of an earth where we can come to gain a physical body, to face tests of our character, and to learn and grow to become more like our Heavenly Father.Your Heavenly Father knows you personally. He loves you. Your experiences here on earth are for your benefit. Following God can help increase your joyful experiences and give you the strength to get through the difficult ones.God’s Plan Includes a SaviorGod knew when we came to earth we would make mistakes. When we sin by being disobedient to God’s commandments, it makes us unworthy to return to God’s perfect and holy presence. However, God’s plan includes a Savior sent to earth to pay the price for our sins. That Savior is Jesus Christ. Because Jesus suffered and died for your sins and overcame mortal death, you can repent and receive God’s forgiveness. You will be resurrected and receive a perfected body in the next life, free from pain and sickness.You will learn more about Jesus Christ later in this series.You Can Live with GodAs you place your faith in Jesus Christ and follow all of God’s commandments, you can look forward to the promise of an eternal life of joy in heaven with God and the people you love.The Bible, a holy book of scripture, promises, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Revelation 21:4).Missionaries can teach you more about your place in God’s plan and how you can live with your Heavenly Father again someday.

CTA: Meet with Missionaries

Landing Page: https://{{my.MissionariesDirect_SC_God_ENG}}

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Tag/Theme: God


Subject Line: Who is God?

Preheader: God is our Heavenly Father, and we worship Him.

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Basic Beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints

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Email Name: 010^135432 Basic Beliefs of The Church

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Welcome to our email series outlining some of the basic beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints. These beliefs have inspired millions to be better people and to live happier, more fulfilling lives.As you go through this email journey, you will learn about these and other beliefs that guide our lives:We worship God, the father of our spirits.We lived with God before He sent us to earth to learn and grow, and our desire is to return to live with Him.To make this possible, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sins and overcome death.Following Jesus Christ’s teachings will bring us peace and happiness in this life and a life of joy with God and our families after we die.You can receive God’s guidance in your life today through living prophets who act as His messengers, through holy books of scripture, and through personal inspiration you receive when you pray to God.We invite you to find greater happiness and more purpose in life as you learn more about God’s plan for you and how to follow Jesus Christ.

CTA: Learn More

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Tag/Theme: Principles


Subject Line: What do members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe?

Preheader: All our beliefs are centered on Jesus Christ.